Frequently Asked
What are we talking about?
Introduction Xxxxxx xxx xxxxx Xxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxx.
short for application is computer software, or a program, used for mobile devices; the term has evolved to refer to small programs that can be downloaded on iOS Android, Apple Tv, Amazon and tvOS
text that uses clear, simple messaging to go on the mobile app store. It often includes a call to action to download your app and is critical to its success.
A content creator is a person who creates appealing and inspiring content for people to consume. Youtubers are examples of content creators today.
the partitioning of creative author rights payment for the use of a digital asset
to publish in both digital and print format and integrate the marketing of each media within the other.
a one-off purchase payment for content within an app
the integration of multiple forms of media, including text, graphics, audio, video, and interactive games
an authentication system that allows users to login with a single ID to related software systems.
Refers to the common strategy of releasing a product ahead of its scheduled launch with little or no marketing push. Soft launches are often rehearsals for a full launch, allowing you to simulate real-world interactions with your app.
an amount of money that you regularly pay for digital services. Much of these set-up features are now standard within mobile app platforms.
What does it take to design the app interface?
Image Assets
Introduction Xxxxxx xxx xxxxx Xxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxx.
The screens in Figma provide an overview of the necessary image assets that need to be customised. The design can be created directly in Figma or in any other tool e.g. Photoshop and then pasted into the corresponding frames in Figma.
The Figma file is divided into 3 parts (Pages in the left navigation panel):
includes a Quickstart how to use the figma file and also gives some technical specifications which are important during asset creationApp Assets:
here you find all major deliverables in means of the app interfaceApp Store Promotion
This page contains the assets needed to promote your app in the app stores. First of all the app icon as well as screenshots for the product page and possible other options like the feature and the subscription promotion.
The major deliverables in means of the app interface are:
launch screen image (or video)
backgrounds for each category
images for error messages
video player backgrounds
title banners (above video content)
layout for thumbnails (frames and icons attached to it)
episode frames
sounds as .wav or .mp4 (button sound, background sound as loop)
👉 NOTE: all animated UI elements are not reflected in figma, as well as all the content like shows, games etc. that need to be uploaded to the CMS
“Special” Interface elements like animations or the main/home navigation view we best discuss together in a meeting to clarify what the technical possibilities are etc. and in which formats it makes sense from your end to deliver it. All designs that cannot be provided via Figma can be uploaded to a shared dropbox folder.
The export formats are preset in the Figma file.
It’s either PNG or JPEG. Elements with transparencies need to be png, larger images like backgrounds may be compressed to a smaller file size using jpg (depending on the image content).
Introduction Xxxxxx xxx xxxxx Xxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxx.
There are several assets in the app where it is possible to use video instead of static images:
Launch Screen
Dialogs (Paywall, Errors, Loading,...)
App Backgrounds: animated or interactive
Background videos must consist of a relatively short loop (duration 2-3 sec) to be displayed seamlessly and keep the app's data load small.
MPEG-4 (mp4)
Maximum: 2436 x 1500
Minimum: 1754 x 1080
1 : 1,624
Duration: 2-3 sec
Seamless Connections
Audio & Sounds
Audio and sound effects are an essential part of an app. E.g., as background music or auditory feedback if the user taps a button.
Background music helps to set the scene and provide a more immersive experience to the app user.
Home and all other scenes
Launch Screen
☝ ️Important: Must be loopable
Back Button, Play/Pause, ...
Favorite & Baby Mode
Transitions from one scene to an other
Home Navigation (Movement)
☝ ️Important: Must be loopable
AAC audio
What’s to know about the content?
Introduction Xxxxxx xxx xxxxx Xxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxx.
the thumbnails must be uploaded to the CMS
there is no automatic generation of images/thumbnails via the CMS
format: png
resolution: sth. around 1000x1000 px should be perfectly fine
1000 x 1000
Video Content ?????
There are several assets in the app where it is possible to use video instead of static images:
Launch Screen
Dialogs (Paywall, Errors, Loading,...)
App Backgrounds: animated or interactive
Background videos must consist of a relatively short loop (duration 2-3 sec) to be displayed seamlessly and keep the app's data load small.
MPEG-4 (mp4)
Maximum: 2436 x 1500 px
Minimum: 1754 x 1080 px
1 : 1,624
Duration: 2-3 sec
Seamless Connections
html games: 100% supported on iOS, on Android some of the html games might have performance issues
Unity: requires a unity plugin that we provide and ideally built with a min. version from 2020 or later
How to promote the app in the app stores?
App Icon
Introduction Xxxxxx xxx xxxxx Xxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxx.
Every app needs a beautiful and memorable icon that attracts attention in the App Store and stands out on the Home screen. Your icon is the first opportunity to communicate, at a glance, your app’s purpose. It also appears throughout the system, such as in Settings and search results.
Embrace simplicity. Find a single element that captures the essence of your app and express that element in a simple, unique shape. Add details cautiously. If an icon’s content or shape is overly complex, the details can be hard to discern, especially at smaller sizes.
Provide a single focus point. Design an icon with a single, centered point that immediately captures attention and clearly identifies your app.
Design a recognizable icon. People shouldn’t have to analyze the icon to figure out what it represents. For example, the Mail app icon uses an envelope, which is universally associated with mail. Take time to design a beautiful and engaging abstract icon that artistically represents your app’s purpose.
Keep the background simple and avoid transparency. Make sure your icon is opaque, and don’t clutter the background. Give it a simple background so it doesn’t overpower other app icons nearby. You don’t need to fill the entire icon with content.
Use words only when they’re essential or part of a logo. An app’s name appears below its icon on the Home screen. Don’t include nonessential words that repeat the name or tell people what to do with your app, like "Watch" or "Play." If your design includes any text, emphasize words that relate to the actual content your app offers.
Don’t include photos, screenshots, or interface elements. Photographic details can be very hard to see at small sizes. Screenshots are too complex for an app icon and don’t generally help communicate your app’s purpose. Interface elements in an icon are misleading and confusing.
Don’t use replicas of Apple hardware products. Apple products are copyrighted and can’t be reproduced in your icons or images. In general, avoid displaying replicas of devices, because hardware designs tend to change frequently and can make your icon look dated.
Don’t place your app icon throughout the interface. It can be confusing to see an icon used for different purposes throughout an app. Instead, consider incorporating your icon’s color scheme. See Color.
Test your icon against different wallpapers. You can’t predict which wallpaper people will choose for their Home screen, so don’t just test your app against a light or dark color. See how it looks over different photos. Try it on an actual device with a dynamic background that changes perspective as the device moves.
Keep icon corners square. The system applies a mask that rounds icon corners automatically.
Format: 1024 x 1024 px
Apple App Store
Introduction Xxxxxx xxx xxxxx Xxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxxXxxxxx xxx xxxxx.
Screenshots AppStore Sizes:
iPad_12.9: 2048 × 2732
iPhone_5.5: 1242 × 2208
iPhone_6.5: 1284 × 2778
Format: png
recommendation: minimum 5 Screenshots + 1 video
Use images captured from your app’s UI to visually communicate your app’s user experience. You can feature up to 10 screenshots on your App Store and Mac App Store product pages.
Depending on the orientation of your screenshots, the first one to three images will appear in search results when no app preview is available, so make sure these highlight the essence of your app.
Focus each subsequent screenshot on a main benefit or feature so that you fully convey your app’s value.
Format: 1024 x 1024 px
Getting featured in the Apple App Store is an achievement all app developers strive towards. It’s a big win. An App Store feature is a way to access fast app growth.
File Format
Provide layered, high-resolution full-body assets. Use individual layers saved as Smart Objects for all visual elements, imagery, show titles, or backgrounds. Include full visual content, even if it bleeds beyond the crop area. Artwork that includes cropped faces or body parts will not be accepted.Templates
Use the relevant Photoshop templates to create the promotional artwork requested by Apple, as listed in the request email and the Promotional Artwork section in App Store Connect. You do not need to create artwork that was not requested. Do not change template dimensions. All artwork must be in the correct template with the correct dimensions in order to upload successfully in App Store Connect.
Google Playstore
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Format: PNG or JPEG, up to 8 MB each, 16:9 or 9:16 aspect ratio, with each side between 320 px and 3,840 px
Upload up to eight 7-inch tablet screenshots. Screenshots must be PNG or JPEG, up to 8 MB each, 16:9 or 9:16 aspect ratio, with each side between 320 px and 3,840 px
Upload up to eight 10-inch tablet screenshots. Screenshots must be PNG or JPEG, up to 8 MB each, 16:9 or 9:16 aspect ratio, with each side between 320 px and 3,840 pxFormat:
To be eligible for promotion, include at least 4 screenshots at a minimum of 1080 px on each side.
recommendation: upload 2-8 phone screenshots
A/B Testing